Tag: smartwatch
October 13, 2016
AutoSense cocaine detection study highlighted in Geisel Insider e-Magazine
A Northeast Node sponsored project, “Towards Detecting Cocaine Use Using Smartwatches in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network,” also known as AutoSense, was recently highlighted by the Geisel Insider, Dartmouth Medical School’s e-magazine.
The study, which is being done in collaboration with colleagues Dr. Santosh Kumar (Memphis University, Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge Center of Excellence), Dr. Emre Ertin (Ohio State University), Dr. Kenzie Preston (NIDA Intramural Research Program), and Dr. August Holtyn (Johns Hopkins University), will develop a wrist-worn sensor that can detect in-the-moment cocaine use via interbeat heart rate. You can learn more about the study’s specific aims here.
You can read the full article published in the Geisel Insider here.