Elizabeth Murnane, PhD
Charles H. Gaut and Charles A. Norberg Assistant Professor, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College
Dr. Elizabeth Murnane specializes in human-computer interaction, with a focus on the design, engineering, and evaluation of human-centered technologies that target societal challenges in health, education, and sustainability. In the health domain specifically, Elizabeth develops interactive and ubiquitous systems for biobehavioral sensing, self-report, and intervention, to enhance measurement and management of various dimensions of human wellbeing, with particular emphasis on underserved populations. She also directs the Empower Research Lab, which creates interactive, data-driven tools that empower people to track, interpret, and act upon information to promote personal and collective quality of life.
These ideas and efforts have directly contributed to proposals funded by the NIH, NSF, various foundations, and industry partners. Before joining the Dartmouth faculty, Elizabeth was a postdoctoral scholar in Computer Science at Stanford University and received her Ph.D. in Information Science from Cornell University. After completing her undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at MIT, she also spent 4 years as the lead engineer and head of experimental features of a CSAIL startup that built interactive visualization tools to help software developers make sense of complex codebases. Liz’s work continues to emphasize translational approaches that seek opportunities to meaningfully engage with and positively shape industry practices, local communities, and policy-making.